
Related Sites

Adams Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AREC) website contains links to other internet sites which are not maintained by AREC. AREC is not responsible for the content of those sites.

Furthermore, AREC does not endorse, nor warrant any of the information contained therein and further disclaims any liability and responsibility associated with any information associated with that link.

www.buckeyepower.com - Buckeye Power, Inc. is the generation cooperative that provides Adams REC and Ohio's other rural electrics with wholesale power. Adams REC and Buckeye Power cooperate on a variety of programs aimed at improving reliability and assisting community development.

www.touchstoneenergy.com - Touchstone Energy is an alliance of rural electric cooperatives.

www.arborday.org - The Arbor Day Foundation's Tree Line USA program.

www.energystar.gov - Conserve and save through the Energy Star program.

www.eere.energy.gov - Home energy savings tips.

www.ase.org - Home energy savings tips.

www.weather.com - Web site of The Weather Channel.