
As A Member, You Have A Voice

Adams Rural Electric Cooperative's policies and procedures are determined by an elected board of directors who are also member/owners of the cooperative. The AREC service territory is made up of nine districts, with one board member representing the cooperative from each district.

You, as a cooperative member/owner have the privilege to vote for the Trustees who sit on the Board of your Cooperative. It is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to see that the Cooperative remains financially stable. The Board must continually look ahead to anticipate the needs of the membership; such as the building of new sub-stations, replacement of damaged or outdated equipment, lines, poles, etc. They must keep abreast of changing legislature, rising costs, and new technology in order to make decisions that will not only keep the Cooperative financially viable, but also able to supply the best electric service possible to the membership.

You can make your voice heard each year by casting your votes by mail-in ballot for the trustees. Each year you will receive notice of the Annual Meeting of the Members. The results of the election are announced at the meeting, as well as, updates on the status of the cooperative.

Adams Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. operates on seven guiding principles:

1. Voluntary & Open Membership
2. Democratic Member Control
3. Members Economic Participation
4. Autonomy and Independence
5. Education, Training and Information
6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives
7. Concern for Community

The Bottom Line... As a member of Adams Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. you have a voice in the Cooperative.
